Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Some Humor

I want to share with you some events that have happened over the last couple of weeks that take the cake.  

you know how they say your kids will embarrass you...well, ding, ding, we have a winner.  Last Saturday at music trivia at the Mexican restaurant, Ethan and Wesley (my much younger brother) decided to dance which eventually led to climbing in the empty booth behind our table.  Now, let me just give a disclosure before I go any further, the ENTIRE restaurant was involved in the music trivia so everyone was dancing/playing trivia/socializing.  They weren't bothering anyone by climbing in the booth, well weren't until...Ethan stands up in the booth seat which shares a back with the next booth.  (They are small booths for your mental picture, as in Ethan is taller than the back. Ok, back to the story.)  He reaches over the back to the unsuspecting 20-ish year old boy sitting there and with both hands "tickles" the back of his neck while shouting, "TICKLE, TICKLE, TICKLE".  The boy ducks and turns to look at my child with the expression of "Did you really just tickle me?"  I could have literally crawled under the table.  The worst part is we have addressed this when I caught his hands mid-reach in Walmart as he was going to tickle another stranger who had his back to us.  Apparently, the message did not seep in that "WE DO NOT TICKLE STRANGERS".  I'm sure that veteran moms are reading this thinking "Oh you just wait, it will get worse." I imagine it will but for now, it was pretty awkward.

John, Ethan and I go to the Toys R Us and purchase a rather large Christmas present, not considering I drive a Camry and he drives a Mustang.  Needless to say, there were arguments as to which way is best to get this box to fit in my car.  Finally we put it in the front seat, while Ethan is in the back seat strapped into the car seat.  We decided to go to Moe's to eat dinner which is about a block away.  As soon as I pull out of Toys R Us, I realize this is NOT going to work.  I cannot see out of my passenger window AT ALL.  Since all I can do is make right turns, I end up taking a crazy zig zag route through the mall parking lot.  After we eat at Moe's, I tell John, "Okay, something's gotta give."  He puts Ethan in the driver's seat and shuts the door.  John grabs the car seat to move it to the opposite side and I am responsible for laying the passenger seat back as far as it will go.  In the middle of performing this maneuver, the lady in the car next to us cranks her car up.  When she does this, I see panic set in on John's face and I realize that he thinks that Ethan has just cranked up our car.  I now know first hand what a deer in headlights looks light.  I am not sure if this look was fear that he would also put it in gear and drive off, or if he was amazed that our 20-month-old just started a car.  Either way, my stomach is still hurting from laughing so hard. John still won't admit that the whole event caught him off guard.  

I can say this, life is always full of surprises.  Mostly surprises worth retelling because it is so great to laugh.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Long Time...

I know that I have really fallen behind on this.  I am not even going to give you any excuses.  I am just going to say, "Sorry!" and that I will try to do better but no promises.  I am a blogger slacker, I know.  Enough about me and my shortfalls, let me get on to what my followers (all 6 of them) want to hear about and that, of course, is Mr. Ethan.  He has changed so much lately.  It's amazing to me the development of a child from the age of 1 to 2 years old.  He can pretty much get across anything he wants you to understand with his one word "commands".  For instance, "teeth" means he wants to brush his teeth, but in Ethan language it means, "Put some toothpaste on my toothbrush so that I can eat it and ask for more toothpaste in a matter of seconds over and over."  (We go through a lot of toothpaste).  I guess what amazes me the most is the way that he says "Hey" and waves to someone we pass in the grocery store without me instructing him to do so.  He also tells me "Thank you" when I give him something without me telling him to do so.  These are the ones that make me the proudest.  It makes me realize that he completely understands the meaning of the words and knows when to use them.  Another one is "Come on".  If he is ahead of me at church heading to the door to leave, he will stop, turn around and say "Come on".  The cutest part about this is that he can not say it without slinging his arm around in the motion that also says "Come on".  (Hope that makes sense)


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Disney in a Day!

It seems as if I am always playing catch up on here.  I definitely need to get better at setting apart some time to do this (even if no one is reading it).  Ethan and I spent last week in Orlando with my parents and Wesley (my 10-year-old brother).  John wasn't able to go because of his new job. :-( We went to Disney's Magic Kingdom and it was great...really hot but still great!  Wesley and I rode all of the rides that I was always too chicken to get on.  We rode Space Mountain and Splash Mountain.  Both were amazing!  Ethan mostly enjoyed the sites and the few characters we saw (from a distance of course, he doesn't like them so much up close).  He waved to the Country Bear Jamboree Characters while the show was going.  Mickey's Toon Town or whatever it is called is closed for construction until...get this...2013!!!  I was very disappointed.  I thought that Ethan would really enjoy that section of the park.  Overall we had a great time.  The rest of the week we spent at wonder works or just floating in the lazy river at the resort.  I know, what a rough week, right?!  It was so good to get away from Albany, just wish my hubby could have come along. 

Cinderella's Castle
Ethan in the Resort Pool
Wesley "surfing" at Universal City Walk

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Playing Catch-Up

So sorry for neglecting you.  I am going to try to play catch-up in one blog.  For starters, Ethan is saying more words in a week's time than I could have dreamed.  He can now say: Mama, Daddy, Grandma, Meme(sometimes), Bubbles, Stop, Get, and Baby.  He comprehends a lot more than that.  I can say "Tell her hey" or "Blow her a kiss" without any motions and he knows exactly what I mean and most of the time does it.  Last Sunday, Ethan walked over and picked up the glove that his Grandma bought him and put it on his hand.  John grabbed the ball and said "Get Ready!"  Ethan held the glove up and John threw it and it stuck in the glove (velcro) and you would have thought that John had won the lottery.  He scooped Ethan up and spun him around saying "I'm so proud of you".  See the video here.  
Then on Monday....crisis struck.  My cell phone rings at work and I see the daycare's number.  I always answer these phone calls braced, hoping that he is just sneezing or coughing and instead she says, "You need to come get Ethan, he fell and hit his head pretty hard and he is not acting right.  I think he needs to go to the doctor as soon as possible.  Panic set in.  Somehow I managed to make the 14 minute drive in a record 8 minutes. I cannot explain the worry that took over when my child is looking in my direction and is obviously unaware of who I am or able to focus on my face.  We took off towards the hospital (doctor's recommendations) with Grandma in tow to help keep my little boy conscious.  He was going in and out the entire ride.  The drive from the daycare to the hospital seemed longer than you can possibly imagine.  I called the hospital as we were getting closer and they told me they would be outside waiting for us.  They grabbed in from the car and I followed frantically.  I was so focused on following the nurse that was carrying my child that I did not see a cart with a computer on it and plowed right into it.  The entire computer shook as I tried to keep it from toppling off the cart.  The nurse said "Mom, calm down and take a breath."  Easier said than done.  They started an IV and took his vitals.  The doctor came and checked his ears for blood behind the ear drums that would mean a skull fracture.  No blood, thank God, thank God.  He still wanted to run a CT scan to just be sure. I sat in that hospital room praying over and over "Please let him be okay."  The CT scan turned out to be fine too.  I have never been so scared in my entire life.  My prayers quickly turned to "THANK YOU! THANK YOU!".  After all was said and done, Mama Bear instincts took hold of my body.  I did not want him out of my sight.  Of course I had to get over that because I eventually have to go to work (against my will, might I add). In the end, everything is fine.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

On the Hunt

With a little help from dad, Ethan was able to find some eggs at the church Easter Egg Hunt. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hippity Hop NOT!

As you can see, Ethan is not very fond of a certain six foot tall rabbit. He actually at one point outed the rabbit when he pushed his head up to reveal...well, you know.  I am looking forward to helping Ethan color Easter eggs (all those broken eggs).  I can only say that Ethan already thinks he should throw anything that resembles a ball so I can just about guess what he will do with the eggs.  At least, they will be hard boiled instead of raw. 

I just want to add that this Easter holiday is a great time to think about what Jesus has done for each and every one of us.  I think these verses sum it up beautifully: 
"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. . . In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear" 1 John 4:7-9,17-18 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fun in the Sun!

This past weekend, we stayed very busy.  Our yard sale Saturday went well and we made a good bit of money.  Sunday, John, Ethan and I went to Turtle Park trying to beat the heat and the crowd.  We beat the crowd but not the heat.  The slides were just too hot.  We walked the Riverwalk trail instead and headed to Dairy Queen for an ice cream afterwards.  Ethan didn't make it there awake, so we just went home.  After his nap, we got out his pool that he got for his birthday.  After what seemed like forever blowing it up and coating the child in sunscreen, we finally were ready to go outside.  Let me just say this, "Well water is COLD!"  It was plenty hot outside to swim but that water reminded me of Radium Springs.  Ethan got in but only to stand and play with the water toys.  Every time he wobbled and landed on his butt, he made an "ooh, that's cold" face and was quickly back on his feet.  He loved it though.  Somehow, he convinced Cooper (weimaraner) to come to the pool only to splash him and send him running across the yard...but he kept coming back every time Ethan called him.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You Talkin' To Me?


This picture was taken to send to John in order to reassure him that his child was alive and unscathed.  I know you are thinking "What on Earth is she talking about?"  Well, yesterday I had a good scare when I picked him up from the daycare.  The owner informed me that he climbed up and out of his high chair and fell on to the floor.  What makes this worse is that he was in the back porch that has been closed in which has a concrete slab with outdoor/indoor carpet. Not a lot of cushion there! I think my dad summed it up the best when he said, "The good Lord was looking after this child."  I do not want to even think about the injuries that could have resulted from a fall like this, yet he does not even have a scratch or a bump on him.  His feelings were hurt and it gave him a little bit of a scare, but all and all, he is okay. Whew! (sigh of relief)  Hopefully it scared him enough, that now he will not even think about climbing out of the high chair, maybe.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hello Mr. Personality

      Over the past week, Ethan has started "dancing" to any music he hears.  He dances to music that I don't even hear because I tune it out, like the background music of a car commercial.  He also dances to the music of his racetrack he got for his birthday.  His dancing is a mixture of waving hands in a wax-on, wax-off fashion and bouncing.  Lindsey says he is doing the baby version of the Macarena.
      Sunday morning, while we were getting ready for church, Ethan was in the living room and the television was on the cartoon channel.  The opening song for Spongebob Squarepants came on and as he "sang" along, John and I both looked at each other and just laughed.  Of course his lyrics are not clear, but the fact that he knows when to interject with "Spongebob squarepants" is hilarious and at the same time I think, "Wow, is he maybe watching this a little TOO much?"  After all he is saying "Spongebob" before Papa, Meme, Grandma and PawPaw.  I am sure this thrills his Meme seeing as she absolutely HATES Spongebob.  Sorry Lynn!

Monday, March 14, 2011

The kid has spunk!  Ethan has a chair at our house that he was given by his Meme and Papa for his birthday.  He also has a chair at my mom's house that was Brandon's when he was a child.  No one better sit in either of these chairs, and he means it!  Wesley and John have both attempted to sit in these chairs only to have a 24-lb. hoss of a toddler push with all his might to get them out of his chair.  He can be on the other side of the room completely engrossed with a toy and take off toward the chair at the first sight of someone trying to have a seat.  All I can think is that he must have to fend for himself at the daycare.  I think it is funny how he is so protective of his chair but at the same time I think "We are going to have problems with sharing".   
Chair from Meme and Papa

Monday, March 7, 2011

New things everyday

Toddlers are so inspiring! My one-year-old learns and does new things every single day.  It is amazing to see his character developing.  I look at him and think I am so lucky to have such a happy baby that just lights up the room.  Strangers we meet stop us to talk to him and he acts like they are someone he has known his whole year of life.  I know, you are thinking, that's kinda dangerous, him being friendly to strangers.  But let me assure you that right now he doesn't leave my sight and once he reaches that point, we will have the "Don't talk to strangers" conversation.  I finally got John (Ethan's dad and my husband) to put together the Slide/Swing Combo he got for his birthday.  He had just as much fun playing on it as he had playing in the box.  Had I known this, I might would have brought him home a box a little sooner (seeing as I work for a box plant and all).